Successful remodel “Indiana Plumbing Code”


The Indiana Plumbing Code is the most difficult aspect of most kitchen and bathroom remodelling projects. Plumbing must adhere to all building codes in order to prevent unhealthy and dangerous conditions. The National Uniform Plumbing Code is applicable to all areas of the country. Local codes may be more strict. Ask your local building department for information on local plumbing codes when planning your bathroom or kitchen project. Before you start work, have the plans approved and all work completed to the satisfaction of the inspector. Before you start, draw a plan with a list of all the materials. These guidelines will help you ensure that your remodel follows the Indiana Plumbing Code.

Common Indiana Plumbing Code

Common codes focus mainly on venting. Drainpipes that have not been properly vented can run slowly and release noxious gases into your house. These are other important Indiana Plumbing Code considerations that you should keep in mind when remodelling.

It is important to not place fixtures too close together. This is especially important in bathrooms where space may be limited.

Find the right pipe size for drains, vents and supply lines.

Choose the right pipe material. Most inspectors will accept PVC drain lines and rigid copper pipe as supply lines.

You might have to replace the globe shutoff valve you already have with a full bore ball or gate valve. This will ensure that water flows freely. A booster pump might be needed if the pressure drops. A pressure-reducing valve is needed if the pressure is too high.

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A house’s structure must not be compromised by the plumbing installation. An inspector may require you to reinforce any joists that were cut to fit pipes. Additional requirements include placing protective plates around pipes and using fire caulking.

Additional Important Indiana Plumbing Code

To ensure a smooth renovation of your bathroom or kitchen, be sure to follow the Indiana Plumbing Code.

Correctly slope drain pipes

Drainpipes should slope at least 1/4 inch per foot in most cases. It might be necessary to calculate carefully how a drain can be run across a room without a crawlspace or basement. Some codes may require that vent pipes slope at least 1/8 inch per foot. Some codes allow vents to be level.

Use Purple Primer

Pipes that have been glued with no primer will eventually leak. Primer is required for PVC pipes that are joined together to ensure a secure hold. You must verify that primer has been used according to some Indiana Plumbing Code. A purple primer ($8 at The Home Depot) will allow the inspector to quickly determine if the pipes are properly primed.

Get the right fittings

You can list fittings on your plumbing plan in detail so that you are sure to buy the correct ones. Make sure you use drain fittings that allow wastewater to flow freely, such as a closet bend. Different fixtures will have different fitting requirements.